

Muxlisa is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "honored," "esteemed," or "respected." It is derived from the Arabic word "mukhlis," which means "sincere" or "pure." Those who bear the name Muxlisa are believed to embody qualities associated with h...
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Nargiz is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "narcissus," a type of flowering plant with delicate white or yellow flowers that bloom in the spring. The name is derived from the Persian word "nargis," which means "daffodil." Those who bear the nam...
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E'zoza is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "honor" or "dignity." The name is derived from the Arabic word "izzah," which means "respect," "honor," or "glory." Those who bear the name E'zoza are believed to embody qualities associated with honor...
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Sarvinoz is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "sweetheart of the cypress tree." The name is derived from the Persian words "sarv," which means "cypress tree," and "noz," which means "sweetheart" or "beloved." Those who bear the name Sarvinoz are...
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Feruza is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "turquoise." The name is derived from the Persian word "firuzeh," which refers to the blue-green mineral known as turquoise. Those who bear the name Feruza are believed to embody qualities associated w...
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Omina is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "hope" or "aspiration". The name is derived from the Uzbek word "umid", which also means hope or expectation. Those who bear the name Omina are believed to embody qualities associated with hope, such as...
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Shukrona is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "gratefulness" or "thankfulness". The name is derived from the Arabic word "shukr", which means gratitude or appreciation. Those who bear the name Shukrona are believed to embody qualities associated...
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Ifora is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "honorable" or "respected". The name is derived from the Uzbek word "ifrat", which means excellence, distinction or dignity. Those who bear the name Ifora are believed to embody qualities associated wit...
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Dilnoz is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "lovely heart" or "kind hearted". The name is derived from the Uzbek words "dil" meaning heart and "noz" meaning lovely or kind. Those who bear the name Dilnoz are believed to embody qualities associat...
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Ruhshona is a female name of Uzbek origin, which has a rich cultural and historical background. The name consists of two parts: "ruh," meaning "soul" or "spirit," and "shona," meaning "language" or "speech." In Uzbek culture, the name Ruhshona is often a...
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