
Akmal is an Uzbek name that carries the meaning of “perfect” or “complete”. It is a powerful name that conveys the importance of striving for excellence and perfection in all aspects of life. Akmal encourages its bearer to strive for greatness and to never settle for mediocrity. It inspires its bearer to be ambitious, to work hard, and to never give up on their dreams. Akmal is a name that emphasizes the importance of being honest, kind, and generous. It is a reminder to its bearer that with success comes responsibility, and that it is important to use one’s power for the benefit of others. Akmal is a name that can help shape a young boy into a strong and confident leader, who will be admired and respected by all.

Other names


The name "Naima," of Uzbek origin, is derived from Arabic roots meaning "blessing," "comfort," or "tranquility." It conveys the qualities of peace and joy, often associated with a person who brings happiness and serenity to those around them....
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The name "Abdulbosit" is a traditional Uzbek name with deep cultural roots. In Uzbekistan, names often carry significant meanings and reflect cherished values. "Abdulbosit" typically translates to "servant of the All-Merciful" or "devoted to the Compassio...
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The Uzbek name "Xurshida" means "sunshine" or "sunlight," symbolizing warmth, brightness, and joy....
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Are you searching for a name that embodies sacredness and purity? The name "Muqaddas" is an excellent choice. Rooted in both Arabic and Uzbek culture, "Muqaddas" carries a deep and meaningful heritage. This name signifies "sacred" or "holy," symbolizing p...
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Tajik (Marhabo) or Uzbek (Marhabo/Marxabo) form of the Arabic name Marhaba - “desired; welcome.”...
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Tajik (Shohida) or Uzbek (Shohida) name translation - “beloved; beauty; witness; Shah (from Shokh).” ...
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The name "Risolat" is of Arabic origin and is used in Uzbek culture. It means "prophecy" or "message." The name conveys the idea of guidance, wisdom, and a sense of mission, reflecting qualities of leadership and enlightenment....
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The name "Parvez" (also spelled "Parviz" or "Parwez") is of Persian origin and is commonly used in Uzbek culture. It means "victorious" or "fortunate." The name conveys the idea of success, triumph, and good fortune, reflecting qualities of strength and a...
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The name "Amaliya" is an Uzbek name with a lovely and significant meaning. It is derived from the Arabic name "Amal," which means "hope" or "aspiration." Thus, Amaliya can be interpreted to mean "Hopeful" or "One who has aspirations."...
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The name "Boyazid" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and regal meaning. "Boyazid" (Боязид) is derived from the name "Bayezid," which historically means "father of increase" or "abundance." It symbolizes prosperity, leadership, and wisdom,...
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