The name "Asliya" is of Uzbek origin and carries a profound and beautiful meaning. While specific interpretations may vary, "Asliya" is often associated with attributes like purity, authenticity, and originality. It is a name that reflects uniqueness and a genuine character.
The Tajik or Uzbek (Mumtoza) form of the Arabic name Mumtaza and in a figurative meaning means “chosen; superior, outstanding”, the feminine form of the name Mumtoz....
Ravshan is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian language, meaning “bright” or “shining.” It encourages its bearer to be a beacon of light and hope in their community, to bring joy and optimism to those around them, and to be a source of strength...
Tajik (Shohuz) or Uzbek (Shohruz) form of the Persian name Shahruz - “happy, fortunate.”...
The Arabic name (مسفرة) means “brilliant, shining”, the feminine form of the name Musfir....
Madina is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “madinah”, which means “city” or “town”. The name is also found in other languages, including Urdu, Persian and Turkish. In Uzbek culture, Madina is a popular name for girls and is associate...
The Arabic name (سَمِيع) and in a figurative meaning means “all-hearing; listener, listener.” One of the names of Allah.
Tajik or Uzbek (Dovud) form of the Arabic name Davud/David - “prophet of Allah”.
The name "Amaliya" is an Uzbek name with a lovely and significant meaning. It is derived from the Arabic name "Amal," which means "hope" or "aspiration." Thus, Amaliya can be interpreted to mean "Hopeful" or "One who has aspirations."...
The name "Shabnam" in Uzbek culture means "dew" and symbolizes freshness and purity....
There are several translation options for the name Samar:
1. Arabic name (ثَمَر) [thamar] translation - “fruit; fruit; benefit; benefit.”
2. The form of the name Samir is “interlocutor, storyteller, talker; companion; evening; pleasant commun...