
sma is a female name of Arabic origin, which means "excellent," "supreme," or "noble." It is derived from the Arabic word "asmaa," which means "names" or "attributes."

In Islam, Asma is one of the names of Allah, the Arabic term for God. It is considered a beautiful and meaningful name for Muslim parents seeking to name their daughters after one of the names of God.

Those who bear the name Asma are believed to embody qualities associated with excellence, nobility, and high status. They are known to be confident, ambitious, and determined individuals who strive for success and are not afraid to pursue their dreams.

Asma is a popular name in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, as well as among Muslim communities worldwide. It is also a name with a long history in the Arab world and is often given to girls as a symbol of respect and honor.

Overall, the name Asma is a beautiful and meaningful name that represents the idea of excellence and high status. It is a name that carries religious significance for Muslims and is also a popular choice for parents seeking a name that reflects their daughter's ambitious and confident character.

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