
A Turkic or Tajik name, derived from Arabic (فضيلة) [fathilah] and means “perfection; dignity; superiority; virtue,” the feminine form of the name Fazil.

Other names


The name "Dilshoda" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and meaningful significance. In Uzbek culture, "Dilshoda" (Дилшода) combines "Dil," meaning "heart," and "shoda," meaning "happy" or "cheerful." Together, it signifies "happy heart" or ...
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The name "Abdulbosit" is a traditional Uzbek name with deep cultural roots. In Uzbekistan, names often carry significant meanings and reflect cherished values. "Abdulbosit" typically translates to "servant of the All-Merciful" or "devoted to the Compassio...
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The name "Muso" is the Uzbek variant of the name "Musa," which is of Arabic origin and means "Moses." In Islamic tradition, Musa (Moses) is a prophet and a significant figure, known for his leadership and role in guiding the Israelites out of Egypt....
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Kamola is a female Uzbek name of Arabic origin. The name Kamola is derived from the Arabic word “kamal” which means “perfection” or “completeness”. It is also thought to have roots in the Persian language, where it means “beauty”. Kamola i...
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Are you looking for a name that embodies integrity and sincerity? The name "Damir" is a wonderful choice. Rooted in Uzbek culture, "Damir" carries a deep and meaningful heritage. This name means "conscience" or "heart," symbolizing inner strength, integri...
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The name "Sa'd" in Uzbek and Arabic culture means "happiness" or "good fortune." It symbolizes joy and prosperity....
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Tajik or Uzbek (Dilnavoz) name, a form of the Persian name Dilnavaz and is translated as “soothing, caressing the soul (Dil).” ...
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Omina is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "hope" or "aspiration". The name is derived from the Uzbek word "umid", which also means hope or expectation. Those who bear the name Omina are believed to embody qualities associated with hope, such as...
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Ismoil is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “God is great” or “God is mighty.” It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Ismoil symbolizes strength and power, and is associated wit...
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The name "Nazira" is of Arabic origin and is commonly used in Uzbek culture. It means "observer," "spectator," or "one who looks with attention." The name conveys the idea of a person who is attentive, thoughtful, and observant, often associated with inte...
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