
The name "Gulshoda" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and joyous meaning. In Uzbek, "Gulshoda" (Гулшода) is a combination of two words: "Gul," meaning "flower," and "Shoda," meaning "joy" or "happiness." Together, "Gulshoda" signifies "flower of joy," symbolizing beauty, happiness, and delight.

Other names


Bek is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “powerful” or “strong”. It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Bek symbolizes strength, courage, and determination. It encourages its be...
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The Arabic name means “demanded, necessary” feminine form of the name Matlub....
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Gulnoz is a female Uzbek name of Persian origin, meaning “flower” or “rose”. Gulnoz is a woman of beauty and grace, her presence always bringing light and joy to those around her. She is an optimist who looks for the good in every situation and st...
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Baxtiyor is an Uzbek name derived from the Turkic language, meaning “lucky” or “fortunate”. The name is associated with good luck and fortune, and is often given to those who are seen as having a special luck or charm. It is believed that the bear...
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The name "Abdulhamid" is of Uzbek origin and carries significant cultural and religious connotations. In Arabic, "Abdul" means "servant of" and "Hamid" translates to "the praised one" or "praiseworthy." Thus, "Abdulhamid" can be interpreted as "servant of...
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The name "Muso" is the Uzbek variant of the name "Musa," which is of Arabic origin and means "Moses." In Islamic tradition, Musa (Moses) is a prophet and a significant figure, known for his leadership and role in guiding the Israelites out of Egypt....
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The name Nozima is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Nozima" means "wise," "intelligent," or "learned." The name is often given to baby girls as a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge. In addition to its literal meaning, th...
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Dilshod is an Uzbek name that symbolizes strength, courage, and determination. It encourages its bearer to stay focused on their goals and to never give up on their dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be. Dilshod is a reminder to remain persis...
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The name "Munis" is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful and significant meaning. In Uzbek, "Munis" (Мунис) translates to "friendly," "affectionate," or "companionable." The name symbolizes warmth, kindness, and a friendly nature....
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Malika is a female name of Uzbek origin. It is derived from the Arabic word "Malik," which means "queen" or "royalty." As such, Malika is often interpreted to mean "queen" or "ruler" in Uzbek culture. Those who bear the name Malika are believed to posses...
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