
The derivative form of the name Khadija is the wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

Other names


The name "Dinora" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and significant meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Dinora" (Динора) combines "Din," meaning "religion" or "faith," and "ora," which can be interpreted as "light" or "radiance." Together, "Dinora"...
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Feruza is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "turquoise." The name is derived from the Persian word "firuzeh," which refers to the blue-green mineral known as turquoise. Those who bear the name Feruza are believed to embody qualities associated w...
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Azim is a name of Arabic origin, derived from the Arabic word “azima”, meaning “mighty” or “powerful”. In Uzbek culture, Azim is a popular name for boys, symbolizing strength and greatness. It is often used in combination with other names to c...
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The name "Komron" is of Uzbek origin and carries a positive and inspiring meaning. It is derived from the Persian word "Kamran," which means "prosperous," "successful," or "fortunate." Therefore, Komron can be interpreted to mean "Prosperous" or "Successf...
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There are several translation options for the name Samar: 1. Arabic name (ثَمَر) [thamar] translation - “fruit; fruit; benefit; benefit.” 2. The form of the name Samir is “interlocutor, storyteller, talker; companion; evening; pleasant commun...
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The name "Dilbar" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and poetic meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Dilbar" (Дилбар) means "lover of the heart" or "one who captivates the heart." It symbolizes affection, charm, and the ability to enchant others, ref...
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The name "Mashhura" is of Uzbek origin and holds a positive and significant meaning. In Uzbek, "Mashhura" means "famous" or "renowned." It conveys the idea of being well-known and esteemed, reflecting qualities of recognition and respect....
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Muhammad is an Uzbek name of Arabic origin, meaning “praised one” or “praiseworthy”. It is the most common name in the world, and is held in high esteem by Muslims all over the world. It is a name of great significance in Islamic history, being th...
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Muxlisa is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "honored," "esteemed," or "respected." It is derived from the Arabic word "mukhlis," which means "sincere" or "pure." Those who bear the name Muxlisa are believed to embody qualities associated with h...
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The Tajik form of the Arabic name Farid translates as “incomparable, inimitable, unique, unique.” ...
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