
The name Humayra is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Humayra" means "red" or "rosy-cheeked." The name is often given to baby girls with a hope that they will have a beautiful and healthy complexion.

In addition to its literal meaning, the name Humayra also carries cultural significance. In Uzbekistan, red is a color that symbolizes love, passion, and vitality. Having a name that means "red" can bring a sense of energy and excitement to the person who bears it.

The name Humayra is also associated with grace and elegance. In Uzbek culture, beauty is highly valued, and having a name that means "rosy-cheeked" can inspire a sense of grace and charm.

Overall, the name Humayra is a unique and beautiful choice for parents who want to give their daughter a name that symbolizes beauty, vitality, and grace. It is a name that carries deep cultural significance and is sure to be cherished by its bearer.

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