
Maryam is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “Mariam” which means “beloved”. In Uzbek culture, Maryam is a popular name for girls and is associated with love, loyalty, and devotion. It is believed that those who bear this name will be blessed with an inner beauty that will be reflected in their relationships with others. The name also carries a sense of strength and courage, as it is believed that those who bear this name will have the strength to stand up for what is right and the courage to face their fears. Maryam is also seen as a symbol of hope and optimism, as it is believed that those who bear this name will always remain hopeful in the face of adversity and will never give up on their dreams. The name also carries a sense of intelligence and creativity, as it is believed that those who bear this name will be able to think outside of the box and come up with unique solutions to problems. Finally, Maryam is seen as a source of inspiration, as it is believed that those who bear this name will inspire others to reach for their dreams and strive for greatness. Maryam embodies the spirit of selfless love and devotion, and those who bear this name are believed to be kind, gentle, and compassionate.

Other names


Tajik or Uzbek (Shamshod) form of the Persian name Shamshad explanation - "boxwood (a tree similar to a pine); tall, slender."...
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The Uzbek name "Zakariyo" is derived from the Arabic name "Zakariya," which is the Islamic equivalent of the Hebrew name "Zechariah." In Islamic tradition, Zakariya (Zechariah) is a prophet known for his wisdom, patience, and his role as the father of Joh...
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The name "Muhammadrizo" is a combination of two elements: "Muhammad," which means "praised" or "praiseworthy," and "rizo," which likely originates from Persian and means "content" or "satisfied." Therefore, "Muhammadrizo" can be interpreted as "one who is...
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The name "Amina" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and significant meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Amin," which means "trustworthy," "faithful," or "honest." Thus, Amina can be interpreted to mean "Trustworthy" or "Honest," reflectin...
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Shohrux is a male given name that people predominantly use in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. This name consists of two Persian words, "Shah" and "rokh," meaning "king" and "chariot" or "rook" in the context of chess, respectively. Therefore...
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The Uzbek name "Shahriyor" means "king" or "ruler," symbolizing authority and leadership....
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Tajik or Turkic (Uyghur Zulxumor) name and is translated as - “possessing (Zul) the gift of charming/intoxicating (Humor).” Related to the name Zulhumar....
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The name "Rohila" is of Persian origin and is used in Uzbek culture. It means "traveler" or "wanderer." The name conveys the idea of adventure, exploration, and a journey, reflecting qualities of curiosity and a love for discovering new places and experie...
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The Tajik form of the Persian name Duniya translation is “peace, light, universe; universe.” There is also Dunyo (female name). ...
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Akbar is an Uzbek name that means “great” or “mighty”. It is a name that symbolizes greatness, power, and strength. It encourages its bearer to be bold and brave in the face of adversity and to never give up on their dreams. Akbar serves as a remi...
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