
The name "Muhammadsolih" combines "Muhammad," meaning "praised" or "praiseworthy," with "solih," which means "virtuous" or "righteous" in Uzbek. Therefore, "Muhammadsolih" can be interpreted as "virtuous Muhammad" or "righteous Muhammad."

Other names


There are several translation options for the name Fariza: 1. The Persian name and in a figurative meaning means “obligatory, executive”, a derivative of Arabic (فَرِيضَةٌ) [faritha] - “debt, obligation, obligation”. Feminine form of the...
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Uzbek (Turkic Sulton) or Tajik (Persian) form of the Arabic name Sultan....
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Mohira is a beautiful Uzbek name that has various meanings. In Uzbek, Mohira means "skilled" or "competent". The name also has Persian roots, where it means "wise" or "intelligent". Additionally, the name Mokhira can also mean "free-spirited" or "indepen...
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Aziz is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic term Azeez, which translates to “dear” or “beloved”. It symbolizes strength, resilience, and loyalty, and encourages its bearer to remain strong in the face of adversity. Aziz is a reminder to always s...
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The name "Abdulbosit" is a traditional Uzbek name with deep cultural roots. In Uzbekistan, names often carry significant meanings and reflect cherished values. "Abdulbosit" typically translates to "servant of the All-Merciful" or "devoted to the Compassio...
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Uzbek (Fotih) or Tajik (Fotih) form of the Persian name Fatih - “winner, conqueror”....
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The Uzbek name "Zakiyaxon" is a combination of "Zakiy" and "xon." "Zakiy" is derived from the Arabic word "zakī," which means "pure," "intelligent," or "virtuous." The suffix "xon" (or "khan") is a title of respect and nobility. Together, Zakiyaxon symbo...
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The name "Laziza" is of Uzbek origin and carries a delightful and positive meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Laziz," which means "delicious" or "pleasant." Therefore, Laziza can be interpreted to mean "Delightful" or "Pleasant," reflecting qual...
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The name Shahrizod is of Uzbek origin and has a unique and beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Shahrizod" is a combination of two words, "shahr" meaning "city" and "izod" meaning "star," making the full meaning of Shahrizod "star of the city." The name Shahriz...
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Muslima is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “Muslim”, which means “one who submits to God”. In Uzbek culture, Muslima is a popular name for girls and is associated with faith and spirituality. It is believed that those who bear this name...
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