
The name "Rumaysa" is of Arabic origin and is used in Uzbek culture. It means "one who has a face like a beautiful bouquet of flowers." The name conveys the idea of beauty, grace, and charm, reflecting qualities of elegance and allure.

Other names


Uzbek name Farhod is derived from the Arabic word "farah" which means joy or happiness. It is a popular name among the people of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. Farhod is often used as a male name, but can also be used as a female name. The ...
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Azim is a name of Arabic origin, derived from the Arabic word “azima”, meaning “mighty” or “powerful”. In Uzbek culture, Azim is a popular name for boys, symbolizing strength and greatness. It is often used in combination with other names to c...
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Jamshid is an Uzbek name that symbolizes power and wisdom. It encourages its bearer to always strive for excellence and to use their knowledge and power for the benefit of others. Jamshid is a reminder to be kind, generous, and humble, and to use one’s ...
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The name "Ansora" is of Uzbek origin and has a poetic and meaningful background. While specific meanings may vary, "Ansora" is often associated with purity, brightness, and hope. It is a unique and beautiful name that evokes a sense of elegance and positi...
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Rasul is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “rasul”, which means “messenger” or “prophet”. It is a popular name in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, and is often given to children born with special qualities or spiritual gi...
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The Tajik (Muhammadziyo) or Uzbek (Muhammadzio) name is formed from the combination of Muhammad - “the most praised Prophet of Allah” + Ziyo - “light”....
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The name "Laziz" is of Uzbek origin and carries a delightful and positive meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Laziz," which means "delicious" or "pleasant." Therefore, Laziz can be interpreted to mean "Delightful" or "Pleasant," reflecting qualit...
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The Arabic name-forming (حليمة) and in a figurative meaning means “patient; soft, kind-hearted, merciful; modest." ...
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The name "Mahdiya" is of Arabic origin and holds a significant meaning in Islamic tradition. Derived from the Arabic root "Mahdi," which means "guided" or "the rightly guided one," Mahdiya is often interpreted to mean "Guided" or "Rightly Guided." It sign...
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The name "Oydin" is of Uzbek origin and means "clear," "bright," or "radiant." It is often associated with the moon, symbolizing clarity, purity, and brightness. The name conveys the idea of a person who brings light and clarity to those around them....
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