Mursalina is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian word “mursal” which means messenger or envoy. In Uzbek culture, Mursalina is a popular name for girls and is associated with being a messenger of peace and goodwill. It is believed that those who bea...
The name "Fuzayl" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and honorable meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Fuzayl" (Фузайл) is derived from Arabic origins, where it means "excellent," "superior," or "virtuous." It symbolizes someone who possesses outs...
The name "Burhon" is of Uzbek origin and carries a profound and meaningful significance. In Uzbek culture, "Burhon" (Бурҳон) means "proof" or "evidence." It symbolizes truth, clarity, and righteousness, reflecting qualities of honesty and integrity....
The Tajik (Muhammadiso), Kyrgyz or Uzbek (Muhammadiso) name is formed from the combination of Muhammad - “the most praised Prophet of Allah” + Iso/Isa - “prophet of God”....
The name "Oydin" is of Uzbek origin and means "clear," "bright," or "radiant." It is often associated with the moon, symbolizing clarity, purity, and brightness. The name conveys the idea of a person who brings light and clarity to those around them....
Amir is an Uzbek name that symbolizes honor, respect, and leadership. It encourages its bearer to always strive to be the best version of themselves and to lead by example. Amir is a reminder to be humble and to always treat others with kindness and respe...
Yasmina is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “yasmin”, which means “jasmine flower”. The name is also found in other languages, including Urdu, Persian and Turkish. In Uzbek culture, Yasmina is a popular name for girls and is associated w...
Afifa is an Uzbek name that means "chaste" or "virtuous."...
Mushtariy is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian word “mushtari”, meaning one who is blessed with wealth and prosperity. In Uzbek culture, the name Mushtariy is associated with abundance and generosity. Those who bear this name are believed to be g...
The Uzbek (Mehrinoz) or Tajik (Mekhrinoz) name is combined from the Persian name-forming words Mehri - “beloved; love” + Noz/Naz - “graceful”....