
Xurshid is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian language, meaning “light” or “shining”. The name symbolizes brightness, clarity, and illumination. It encourages its bearer to be a source of light and to bring hope and joy to those around him. Xurshid also implies that its bearer should be wise and discerning, and should use his knowledge and insight to guide others in the right direction. The name Xurshid is believed to bring its bearer luck, success, and happiness in life. It is a strong and powerful name that will surely bring its bearer strength and courage in the face of challenges and adversity. Furthermore, Xurshid is associated with positivity, as it literally means “light” or “shining”. This name encourages its bearer to stay positive in any situation, and to always look on the bright side of things. Xurshid also implies that its bearer should be generous and kind, and should strive to make a positive impact on the world. Finally, it serves as a reminder that no matter what life throws at us, we should always remain true to our values, stay focused on our goals, and never forget the importance of being a source of light and hope.

Other names


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The Turkic or Tajik form of the Arabic name Sunnat is “path; Sunni; custom, rule; tradition (for Sunni Muslims); life path of the Prophet Muhammad.”...
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There are several translation options for the name Miron: 1. Ancient Greek (Μύρον) popular name meaning “myrrh, fragrant oil, incense, fragrant ointment, incense; exuding myrrh.” 2. Uzbek (Miron) or Tajik form of the Persian name Miran and figu...
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The name "Mavluda" is of Uzbek origin and carries a positive and significant meaning. In Uzbek, "Mavluda" means "beloved" or "dearly loved." It conveys deep affection and signifies someone who is cherished and adored....
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Ismoil is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “God is great” or “God is mighty.” It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Ismoil symbolizes strength and power, and is associated wit...
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The name "Abduazim" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant meaning within its cultural context. "Abduazim" typically translates to "servant of the Almighty" or "worshiper of the Great." It reflects qualities of devotion, faith, and reverence towards...
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Sevinch is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian word “Sev” which means “love”. In Uzbek culture, Sevinch is a popular name for girls and is associated with love, loyalty, and devotion. It is believed that those who bear this name will be blessed...
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Sitora is a female Uzbek name of Persian origin, meaning “star”. Sitora is a bright and shining star, radiating light and positivity in all that she does. She is an independent and strong-willed woman who is always looking for new ways to express hers...
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Sarvinoz is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "sweetheart of the cypress tree." The name is derived from the Persian words "sarv," which means "cypress tree," and "noz," which means "sweetheart" or "beloved." Those who bear the name Sarvinoz are...
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