Popular Uzbek Baby Names

Uzbekistan is a country in Central Asia with a rich culture and history. The people of Uzbekistan have a unique naming tradition that reflects their culture and traditions. Uzbek names are usually derived from Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Mongolian languages. Here are some popular Uzbek names that are commonly used in Uzbekistan.

Top Boys Names

Uzbek boys names are also chosen with great care and consideration, reflecting the cultural values and traditions of Uzbekistan. These names are often inspired by nature, bravery, and strength, reflecting the importance of family and community in Uzbek culture.


The name "Maqsud" is of Uzbek origin and holds a significant and positive meaning. In Uzbek, "Maqsud" means "intention" or "goal." It reflects aspirations, purpose, and the drive to achieve objectives....


Salohiddin is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “righteousness of the faith”. It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Salohiddin symbolizes strength of character, integrity, and fait...


Baxtiyor is an Uzbek name derived from the Turkic language, meaning “lucky” or “fortunate”. The name is associated with good luck and fortune, and is often given to those who are seen as having a special luck or charm. It is believed that the bear...

Top Girls Names

Uzbek girls names are often chosen for their meanings, which reflect the cultural values and traditions of Uzbekistan. These names are often inspired by nature, beauty, and precious things, reflecting the importance of family and community in Uzbek culture.


Turkic (Umayra) or Tajik name, form of the name Humayra. Nickname of Aisha, wife of the Prophet Muhammad....


Malak is a popular name in Uzbekistan, which is derived from Arabic and has a rich and profound meaning. The name Malak is often given to girls and boys and can be spelled in various ways, including Malek, Malik, Malick, and Melek. The Arabic origin of t...


The name Bibisora is of Uzbek origin and has a unique meaning. In Uzbek, "Bibi" means "lady" or "woman of high status," while "sora" means "star." Therefore, the full meaning of the name Bibisora is "lady of the stars." In Uzbekistan, naming a child is a...