

Sariya is a popular name in Uzbekistan, typically given to girls. The name is derived from the Arabic language and means "a noble lady" or "a princess". It is a name that carries with it a sense of elegance and dignity. In Uzbek culture, names are often ...
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The Uzbek name Zebo has a rich and significant meaning. The name Zebo is derived from the Persian language and means "beauty" or "beautiful." The name is commonly given to girls and is used to describe someone who is not only physically attractive but als...
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Anora is a beautiful <a href="">Uzbek name</a> that is derived from the Persian language. The name Anora has several meanings, including "light" or "radiance" which represents a shining and glowing aura. The name can also mean "gracefu...
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The name Lobar is of Uzbek origin, and it carries a deep and symbolic meaning that can be traced back to the ancient Persian language. Lobar is a <a href="">female name</a> that has been derived from the word "labebar" ...
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Gulsanam is a popular <a href="">Uzbek female</a> name with a rich history and significant meaning. The name is derived from two Persian words, "gul" meaning "flower" and "sanam" meaning "beloved" or "darling". Therefor...
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Yulduz is a popular name in Uzbekistan, which means "star" in the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Uzbek</a> language. In Uzbek culture, the star is a symbol of guidance, light, and hope. Therefore, the name is often associat...
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Shirin is a beautiful name of Persian origin commonly used in Uzbekistan. It is a popular <a href="">name</a> among girls and holds significant cultural and historical meaning. The name has been mentioned in several Per...
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Gulnora is a popular Uzbek female given name that is derived from the combination of two Persian words: "Gul" meaning flower, and "Nora" meaning pomegranate. The name has a beautiful and poetic meaning, often described as "a girl as beautiful as a pomegra...
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Mohira is a beautiful Uzbek name that has various meanings. In Uzbek, Mohira means "skilled" or "competent". The name also has Persian roots, where it means "wise" or "intelligent". Additionally, the name Mokhira can also mean "free-spirited" or "indepen...
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Adiba is a feminine Uzbek name that means "cultured" or "well-mannered." It is often given to girls who are known for their intelligence, elegance, and grace....
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