
The name Ahror is of Uzbek origin and means "free" or "liberated."

Other names


The name Zuhro is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Zuhro" means "venus," which is the second planet from the sun and is known for its brightness and beauty. The name is often given to baby girls as a symbol of grace, beauty, and ele...
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The name "Alinura" is a feminine name of Uzbek origin, derived from the Arabic words "Ali," meaning "high" or "exalted," and "Nur," meaning "light." Thus, Alinura can be interpreted as "Exalted Light" or "Noble Light," carrying a sense of dignity and bril...
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The Tajik form of the Persian name Shaida also figuratively means “lover, madly in love.”...
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The Turkic or Tajik form of the Arabic name Sunnat is “path; Sunni; custom, rule; tradition (for Sunni Muslims); life path of the Prophet Muhammad.”...
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Jahongir is an Uzbek name that translates to “king of the world”. It is a name that symbolizes power, strength, and leadership. It is a reminder to its bearer to always strive to be a leader, to be courageous and bold in their decisions, and to never ...
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Javohir is an Uzbek name that translates to “jewel” or “precious stone”. It is a name that symbolizes beauty, strength, and resilience. It is a reminder to its bearer to value and appreciate the beauty of life, even in the midst of difficulty and ...
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The Uzbek name "Xuzayfa" is derived from the Arabic name "Hudhayfah," which means "one who keeps or curtails." The name often symbolizes wisdom and discretion. ...
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Muhammadali is an Uzbek name meaning “praise of God”. It is a name that symbolizes faith, devotion, and trust in the Almighty. It is a reminder to its bearer to always place their faith and trust in God, to never lose sight of their spiritual journey,...
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Mohira is a beautiful Uzbek name that has various meanings. In Uzbek, Mohira means "skilled" or "competent". The name also has Persian roots, where it means "wise" or "intelligent". Additionally, the name Mokhira can also mean "free-spirited" or "indepen...
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Sevara is a popular name of Uzbek origin. It is typically given to girls and has a rich meaning that reflects the cultural values and traditions of the Uzbek people. The name Sevara has several possible interpretations, but the most common meaning is "pur...
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