
Ayub is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “Job” or “patience.” It encourages its bearer to remain steadfast in their beliefs and values, to be resilient and to never give up in the face of adversity. Additionally, it serves as a reminder to be patient and understanding, to think before acting, and to always strive for justice and fairness. It also encourages its bearer to show kindness and compassion, to be generous and to use their influence to help those in need. Furthermore, it reminds its bearer that trust and loyalty are essential components of any successful relationship, and that they should strive to build meaningful connections with those around them. Finally, it encourages its bearer to stay true to themselves, to remain humble and to never forget their roots.

Other names


Mansur is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “victorious” or “the one who is victorious”. It is a reminder to its bearer to always strive for excellence and to never give up when faced with adversity. It encourages its bearer ...
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Sitora is a female Uzbek name of Persian origin, meaning “star”. Sitora is a bright and shining star, radiating light and positivity in all that she does. She is an independent and strong-willed woman who is always looking for new ways to express hers...
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The Kazakh name is formed from a combination of the Arabic name-forming words Umma - “people, nation” + Gulsum/Kulsum....
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The name "Boyazid" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and regal meaning. "Boyazid" (Боязид) is derived from the name "Bayezid," which historically means "father of increase" or "abundance." It symbolizes prosperity, leadership, and wisdom,...
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The name "Laziz" is of Uzbek origin and carries a delightful and positive meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Laziz," which means "delicious" or "pleasant." Therefore, Laziz can be interpreted to mean "Delightful" or "Pleasant," reflecting qualit...
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Dilnur is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "bright heart" or "radiant soul." It is composed of two Persian words, "dil" meaning "heart" and "nur" meaning "light" or "radiance." Those who bear the name Dilnur are believed to possess qualities as...
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The Uzbek name "Yusro" is derived from the Arabic word "yusra," which means "ease" or "prosperity." It symbolizes a smooth, trouble-free life and is often associated with the idea of ease after hardship. ...
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Kazakh, Uzbek (Muhriddin) or Tajik (Muhriddin) popular name, formed by combining Muhr/Mehr - “beloved” + Iddin/Din - “religion (Islam)”....
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Turkic name meaning “bright (Nura) decoration (Zinn).”...
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Are you looking for a name that embodies creativity and beauty? The name "Avaz" is a delightful choice. Rooted in Uzbek culture, "Avaz" carries a deep and meaningful heritage. This name refers to the melody or tune of a song, symbolizing harmony, creativi...
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