
Bobur is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian word "babur", meaning "tiger". It is a powerful and masculine name that symbolizes courage, strength, and power. It is often given to baby boys in the hope that they will grow up to be strong, courageous, and powerful men. The name is also associated with the Islamic concept of taqwa, which means "God-consciousness". Bobur is a name that has been used for centuries in the region and is still popular today. Its symbolic meaning makes it a perfect choice for parents who want to give their son a meaningful name that will bring them courage, strength, and power throughout their lives.

Other names


The Uzbek name "Yosuman" is derived from the Persian word for "jasmine," a fragrant flower known for its beauty and delicate scent. The name symbolizes elegance, grace, and purity....
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Feruza is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "turquoise." The name is derived from the Persian word "firuzeh," which refers to the blue-green mineral known as turquoise. Those who bear the name Feruza are believed to embody qualities associated w...
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Certainly! The name Abdulla is of Uzbek origin and is derived from the Arabic name Abdullah, which means "servant of Allah" or "slave of Allah". It is a popular name among Uzbek-speaking communities and holds significant cultural and religious connotation...
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Abror is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word "abr", meaning "rain". The name symbolizes abundance and fertility, and is often given to baby boys in the hope that they will bring good fortune and prosperity to their families. It is also associated w...
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Samir is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “one who is entertaining and pleasant to be around”. It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Samir symbolizes a cheerful and outgoing perso...
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Turkic (Uzbek Xolid) or Tajik form of the Arabic name Khalid - “ever living, eternal, immortal.”...
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Are you searching for a name that embodies affection and charm? The name "Dilrabo" is a delightful choice. Rooted in Uzbek culture, "Dilrabo" carries a deep and meaningful heritage. This name means "beloved of the heart" or "adorable heart," symbolizing a...
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The Turkic or Tajik form of the Arabic name Sunnat is “path; Sunni; custom, rule; tradition (for Sunni Muslims); life path of the Prophet Muhammad.”...
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The Uzbek name "Zakariyo" is derived from the Arabic name "Zakariya," which is the Islamic equivalent of the Hebrew name "Zechariah." In Islamic tradition, Zakariya (Zechariah) is a prophet known for his wisdom, patience, and his role as the father of Joh...
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Safina is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “safinah”, meaning “ship”. In Uzbek culture, the name Safina carries a sense of journey and adventure, as those who bear it are seen as being brave and determined explorers. They are believed to...
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