
Fotima is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “fotima”, meaning “divinely inspired”. In Uzbek culture, the name Fotima carries a sense of spiritual guidance and wisdom, as those who bear it are seen as being wise and insightful. They are believed to be blessed with insight into the deeper mysteries of life, and are able to use this knowledge to guide others. Those who bear this name are also seen as being generous and kind-hearted, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Additionally, the name Fotima is associated with strength and courage, as those who bear it are believed to be brave and determined in the face of adversity. Furthermore, Fotima is associated with creativity and imagination, as those who bear it are seen as being imaginative and innovative, always looking for new ways to make the world a better place. Finally, Fotima is a source of inspiration, as those who bear it are believed to be inspiring and motivating, always encouraging others to stay strong and never give up on their dreams. Those who bear the name Fotima are sure to bring joy and wisdom to any family, and will be blessed with a life full of success and abundance.

Other names


The name "Amina" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and significant meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Amin," which means "trustworthy," "faithful," or "honest." Thus, Amina can be interpreted to mean "Trustworthy" or "Honest," reflectin...
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Feruza is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "turquoise." The name is derived from the Persian word "firuzeh," which refers to the blue-green mineral known as turquoise. Those who bear the name Feruza are believed to embody qualities associated w...
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The Tajik (Sohiba) or Uzbek (Soxiba) form of the Arabic name Sahib and in a figurative meaning means “owner, possessor; mistress of the house; friend, companion.”...
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sma is a female name of Arabic origin, which means "excellent," "supreme," or "noble." It is derived from the Arabic word "asmaa," which means "names" or "attributes." In Islam, Asma is one of the names of Allah, the Arabic term for God. It is considered...
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The Arabic name (سَمِيع) and in a figurative meaning means “all-hearing; listener, listener.” One of the names of Allah. ...
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Dilnur is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "bright heart" or "radiant soul." It is composed of two Persian words, "dil" meaning "heart" and "nur" meaning "light" or "radiance." Those who bear the name Dilnur are believed to possess qualities as...
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The Turkic (Uzb. Ma'mura) or Tajik form of the Arabic name Magmura translation is “the globe; the heavenly Kaaba, where angels make pilgrimages.” ...
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A Turkic and Tuvan popular name, a derived form of the Turkic name Timur/Demir - "iron"....
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The name "Nafisa," of Uzbek origin, is derived from Arabic roots meaning "precious," "valuable," or "exquisite." It conveys the qualities of being cherished and esteemed, often associated with a person of great worth and beauty....
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The Uzbek name "Xumoyun" is derived from Persian and means "fortunate" or "blessed." It signifies good luck and prosperity. ...
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