
Are you looking for a name that embodies integrity and sincerity? The name "Damir" is a wonderful choice. Rooted in Uzbek culture, "Damir" carries a deep and meaningful heritage. This name means "conscience" or "heart," symbolizing inner strength, integrity, and sincerity, making it an ideal name for your baby boy.

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There are several meanings and translations for the name Gulom: 1. Tajik (Gulom) or Uzbek (Turkic G'ulom) form of the Arabic name Gulam translation is “boy”. 2. Persian noun-forming (غلام) semantics of the name - “slave (of Allah); submissive....
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Uzbek (Turkic Sulton) or Tajik (Persian) form of the Arabic name Sultan....
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The Tajik form of the Arabic name Farid translates as “incomparable, inimitable, unique, unique.” ...
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The name "Muhammadsolih" combines "Muhammad," meaning "praised" or "praiseworthy," with "solih," which means "virtuous" or "righteous" in Uzbek. Therefore, "Muhammadsolih" can be interpreted as "virtuous Muhammad" or "righteous Muhammad."...
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Are you looking for a name that embodies strength and courage? The name "Asad" is a perfect choice. Rooted in Arabic and embraced in Uzbek culture, "Asad" carries a powerful meaning. This name means "lion," symbolizing bravery, leadership, and resilience,...
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The name "Eldor" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and positive meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Eldor" (Элдoр) is derived from the Persian word "eldor," which means "gold." It symbolizes preciousness, value, and brightness, reflecting qualities...
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Tajik (Shohuz) or Uzbek (Shohruz) form of the Persian name Shahruz - “happy, fortunate.”...
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Muxlisa is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "honored," "esteemed," or "respected." It is derived from the Arabic word "mukhlis," which means "sincere" or "pure." Those who bear the name Muxlisa are believed to embody qualities associated with h...
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Hasan is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “handsome”. It is a reminder to its bearer to be kind and compassionate, to value beauty in all its forms, and to appreciate the simple things in life. Furthermore, it symbolizes strengt...
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Soliha is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “sulayh”, which means “leader” or “guide”. In Uzbek culture, Soliha is a popular name for girls and is associated with leadership, guidance, and protection. It is believed that those who bea...
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