
The name "Gulbahor" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and seasonal significance. In Uzbek, "Gulbahor" (Гулбахор) is a combination of two words: "Gul," meaning "flower," and "Bahor," meaning "spring." Together, "Gulbahor" signifies "spring flower," symbolizing renewal, beauty, and the vibrant spirit of springtime.

Other names


The name "Ozoda" is of Uzbek origin and means "clean," "pure," or "free from impurities." It conveys the idea of purity, cleanliness, and innocence. The name is often associated with a clear and unblemished nature, reflecting qualities of simplicity and i...
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Samir is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “one who is entertaining and pleasant to be around”. It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Samir symbolizes a cheerful and outgoing perso...
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Arabic name (صِدَام) translation - "fighter; striking, striking, striking; collision; struggle."...
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The name "Bahora" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and evocative meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Bahora" (Баҳора) means "spring." It symbolizes renewal, growth, and the beauty of nature, reflecting qualities of freshness, vitality, and new beg...
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The Uzbek name "Zarnigor" is derived from Persian roots, where "zar" means "gold" and "nigor" means "gaze" or "sight." Together, Zarnigor can be interpreted as "golden gaze" or "golden sight," symbolizing beauty, value, and a radiant personality....
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Shahzoda is an Uzbek name that carries the deep meaning of “ruler” or “sovereign”. It symbolizes strength, power, and leadership. It encourages its bearer to be a leader, to take charge and to never be afraid to stand up for what they believe in. ...
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The Arabic name-forming (حليمة) and in a figurative meaning means “patient; soft, kind-hearted, merciful; modest." ...
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The name "Sa'd" in Uzbek and Arabic culture means "happiness" or "good fortune." It symbolizes joy and prosperity....
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Madina is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “madinah”, which means “city” or “town”. The name is also found in other languages, including Urdu, Persian and Turkish. In Uzbek culture, Madina is a popular name for girls and is associate...
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Mushtariy is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian word “mushtari”, meaning one who is blessed with wealth and prosperity. In Uzbek culture, the name Mushtariy is associated with abundance and generosity. Those who bear this name are believed to be g...
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