
The name "Gulsum" is of Uzbek origin and carries a classic and elegant meaning. In Uzbek, "Gulsum" (Гулсум) is derived from the Arabic name "Qulthum" or "Kulthum," which means "chubby-faced" or "full-cheeked." The name symbolizes beauty, health, and vitality.

Other names


Suxrob is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “happiness”. It encourages its bearer to be a source of joy and light in their community, to always remain positive and optimistic even in the face of adversity, and to strive to make t...
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The Uzbek name "Zakiyaxon" is a combination of "Zakiy" and "xon." "Zakiy" is derived from the Arabic word "zakī," which means "pure," "intelligent," or "virtuous." The suffix "xon" (or "khan") is a title of respect and nobility. Together, Zakiyaxon symbo...
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The name "Abdulbosit" is a traditional Uzbek name with deep cultural roots. In Uzbekistan, names often carry significant meanings and reflect cherished values. "Abdulbosit" typically translates to "servant of the All-Merciful" or "devoted to the Compassio...
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The name Zuhro is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Zuhro" means "venus," which is the second planet from the sun and is known for its brightness and beauty. The name is often given to baby girls as a symbol of grace, beauty, and ele...
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The name "Sabriya" is of Arabic origin and used in Uzbek culture. It means "patient" or "enduring," symbolizing strength, resilience, and calmness....
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mona is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “imam”, which means “leader” or “guide”. In Uzbek culture, Imona is a popular name for girls and is associated with leadership, guidance, and protection. It is believed that those who bear thi...
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Umid is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian language. It is composed of two parts: "U" meaning "hope" and "mid" meaning "destiny". The name Umid symbolizes hope and destiny. It is believed to bring hope, courage, and strength to its bearer. This name i...
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sma is a female name of Arabic origin, which means "excellent," "supreme," or "noble." It is derived from the Arabic word "asmaa," which means "names" or "attributes." In Islam, Asma is one of the names of Allah, the Arabic term for God. It is considered...
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The name "Sa'd" in Uzbek and Arabic culture means "happiness" or "good fortune." It symbolizes joy and prosperity....
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Kumush is a popular female name of Uzbek origin, which has a rich cultural and historical background. The name Kumush means "silver" in Uzbek and is often associated with beauty, purity, and elegance. In Uzbek culture, silver is considered a precious met...
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