
The name "Isroil" is of Uzbek origin and carries significant religious and cultural connotations. It is derived from the Hebrew name "Israel," which means "God contends" or "one who struggles with God." In Islamic tradition, Isroil (or Israel) is also associated with the prophet Jacob. Thus, Isroil can be interpreted to mean "God contends" or "Prince of God," reflecting qualities of spiritual strength and divine connection.

Other names


The name "Sa'd" in Uzbek and Arabic culture means "happiness" or "good fortune." It symbolizes joy and prosperity....
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The Uzbek name "Yunus" is derived from the Arabic name "Yunus," which is equivalent to the Hebrew name "Jonah." In Islamic tradition, Yunus (Jonah) is a prophet known for his story of being swallowed by a giant fish or whale. The name Yunus symbolizes pat...
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Afifa is an Uzbek name that means "chaste" or "virtuous."...
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The Uzbek name "Zakariyo" is derived from the Arabic name "Zakariya," which is the Islamic equivalent of the Hebrew name "Zechariah." In Islamic tradition, Zakariya (Zechariah) is a prophet known for his wisdom, patience, and his role as the father of Joh...
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Ozodbek is a popular Uzbek name derived from the Persian language. It is composed of two parts: "Oz" meaning "strength" and "odbek" meaning "friend". The name Ozodbek symbolizes strength in friendship. It is believed to bring good luck and success to its ...
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The name "Ruhsora" is of Persian origin and used in Uzbek culture. It means "bright-faced" or "radiant spirit," symbolizing beauty, light, and purity....
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Mursalina is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian word “mursal” which means messenger or envoy. In Uzbek culture, Mursalina is a popular name for girls and is associated with being a messenger of peace and goodwill. It is believed that those who bea...
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Uzbek name Farhod is derived from the Arabic word "farah" which means joy or happiness. It is a popular name among the people of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. Farhod is often used as a male name, but can also be used as a female name. The ...
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Nurmuhammad is an Uzbek name that carries a deep meaning of “light” and “divine guidance”. It is a reminder to its bearer to seek out divine guidance and to be a beacon of light and hope in the world. The name encourages its bearer to use their kn...
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Yulduz is a popular name in Uzbekistan, which means "star" in the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Uzbek</a> language. In Uzbek culture, the star is a symbol of guidance, light, and hope. Therefore, the name is often associat...
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