
The name "Nasiba" is of Arabic origin and is commonly used in Uzbek culture. It means "destiny," "fate," or "fortune." This name conveys the idea of a person's preordained path or share in life, often associated with a sense of purpose and destiny.

Other names


Ifora is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "honorable" or "respected". The name is derived from the Uzbek word "ifrat", which means excellence, distinction or dignity. Those who bear the name Ifora are believed to embody qualities associated wit...
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Ulug‘bek is an Uzbek name derived from the Turkic language, meaning “great scholar” or “great teacher”. It is a popular name among the people of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. The name is associated with intelligence, knowledge, a...
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The name "Olim" is of Arabic origin and is commonly used in Uzbek culture. It means "scholar" or "learned one." The name conveys the idea of a person who is knowledgeable, wise, and educated, often associated with intellectual pursuits and respect for lea...
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Shahlo is a female Uzbek name of Persian origin, meaning “beautiful”. Shahlo is an incredibly beautiful woman, both inside and out. She is a kind and compassionate soul, always looking for ways to help those around her. She is an independent thinker, ...
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The name Zarina is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Zarina" means "golden" or "made of gold." The name is often given to baby girls as a symbol of beauty and value. In addition to its literal meaning, the name Zarina also carries c...
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Roziya is a female given name of Uzbek origin. It is derived from the Arabic word "roz" which means "approval" or "acceptance". Roziya is a popular name in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. The name Roziya carries positive connotations of suc...
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The name "Mastura" is of Uzbek origin and carries a meaningful and positive significance. In Uzbek, "Mastura" means "covered" or "protected." It conveys the idea of being shielded or safeguarded, often symbolizing care and protection....
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Ruslan is a bold and noble name that originates from the heroic Iranian epic of Rustam, the son of Zalazar. It belongs to the category of historical names, has Turkic origins, and translates to "lion", a symbol of strength, fearlessness, and heroism. The ...
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Malika is a female name of Uzbek origin. It is derived from the Arabic word "Malik," which means "queen" or "royalty." As such, Malika is often interpreted to mean "queen" or "ruler" in Uzbek culture. Those who bear the name Malika are believed to posses...
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The name Charos is of Uzbek origin and has a unique and beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Charo" means "bird" or "flying bird." The suffix "-s" is often added to the end of names in Uzbekistan to indicate affection, making the full meaning of Charos "beloved ...
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