
Javlon is an Uzbek name that is derived from the ancient Persian word “Jav”, meaning “glory”. It is a popular name in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, and is often given to children born with special qualities or spiritual gifts. It is believed that those who bear the name will be blessed with a life of abundance and prosperity. Javlon is associated with courage, strength, and honor, and is seen as a symbol of power and success. Those who bear the name Javlon are thought to be ambitious, determined, and strong-willed individuals who are capable of achieving great things. They are believed to have an innate ability to inspire others and bring out the best in them. It is also believed that those who bear the name Javlon will be successful in all their endeavors, and will be blessed with a life of joy and fulfillment. Furthermore, they are thought to be wise and discerning, possessing the ability to make sound decisions and judgments. Finally, it is believed that those who bear the name Javlon will enjoy good health and longevity, as well as a life of contentment and satisfaction.

Other names


The name "Ansora" is of Uzbek origin and has a poetic and meaningful background. While specific meanings may vary, "Ansora" is often associated with purity, brightness, and hope. It is a unique and beautiful name that evokes a sense of elegance and positi...
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Azamat is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “great” or “mighty.” It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Azamat symbolizes strength and power, and is associated with courage and ...
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The Uzbek name "Shahboz" means "royal falcon," symbolizing strength and nobility....
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Tajik or Turkic (Uyghur Zulxumor) name and is translated as - “possessing (Zul) the gift of charming/intoxicating (Humor).” Related to the name Zulhumar....
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The name Charos is of Uzbek origin and has a unique and beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Charo" means "bird" or "flying bird." The suffix "-s" is often added to the end of names in Uzbekistan to indicate affection, making the full meaning of Charos "beloved ...
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Uzbek name Farhod is derived from the Arabic word "farah" which means joy or happiness. It is a popular name among the people of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. Farhod is often used as a male name, but can also be used as a female name. The ...
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The name "Gulasal" is of Uzbek origin and carries a delightful and meaningful essence. In Uzbek, "Gulasal" (Гуласал) is a combination of two words: "Gul," meaning "flower," and "Asal," meaning "honey." Together, "Gulasal" signifies "honey flower," ...
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The Tajik (Sohiba) or Uzbek (Soxiba) form of the Arabic name Sahib and in a figurative meaning means “owner, possessor; mistress of the house; friend, companion.”...
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Ulug‘bek is an Uzbek name derived from the Turkic language, meaning “great scholar” or “great teacher”. It is a popular name among the people of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. The name is associated with intelligence, knowledge, a...
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A Turkic or Tajik name, derived from Arabic (فضيلة) [fathilah] and means “perfection; dignity; superiority; virtue,” the feminine form of the name Fazil....
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