
Oybek is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word "oyb", meaning "strength". It is a powerful and masculine name that symbolizes strength, courage, and resilience. It is often given to baby boys in the hope that they will grow up to be strong and courageous men. The name is also associated with the Islamic concept of taqwa, which means "God-consciousness". Oybek is a name that has been used for centuries in the region and is still popular today. Its symbolic meaning makes it a perfect choice for parents who want to give their son a meaningful name that will bring them strength, courage, and resilience throughout their lives.

Other names


The name Mohinur is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful and unique meaning. In Uzbek, "Mohinur" is a combination of two words, "mohi" meaning "moon" and "nur" meaning "light," making the full meaning of Mohinur "light of the moon." The name Mohinur is of...
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The name "Muhammadamir" is of Uzbek origin and combines two significant elements: "Muhammad," which is a name of Arabic origin meaning "praised" or "praiseworthy," and "amir," which means "commander" or "leader." Together, "Muhammadamir" can be interprete...
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Uzbek name Bunyod is derived from the Turkic word “bun” which means “good” and “yod” which means “hands.” Combined, the name Bunyod means “good hands” or “skillful hands.” It is a popular name in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian ...
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Soliha is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “sulayh”, which means “leader” or “guide”. In Uzbek culture, Soliha is a popular name for girls and is associated with leadership, guidance, and protection. It is believed that those who bea...
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The name "Botir" is of Uzbek origin and carries a powerful and heroic meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Botir" (Ботир) means "brave," "hero," or "warrior." It symbolizes courage, strength, and valor, reflecting qualities of bravery and heroism....
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The Arabic name means “demanded, necessary” feminine form of the name Matlub....
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The name "Komil" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and profound meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Kamil," which means "complete" or "perfect." Therefore, Komil can be interpreted to mean "Complete" or "Perfect," reflecting qualities ...
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Sanjar is an Uzbek name which means “king” or “ruler”. It is a popular name in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, and is often given to children born into positions of power or authority. Those who bear the name Sanjar are thought to be...
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Uzbek (Shohsanam) or Tajik (Shohsanam) name, derived from the Persian names Shokh + Sanam = "royal/shah's beloved; beautiful queen."...
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Узбекское (Xonzoda) имя, означаемое - "дочь Хана". Образовано от Хон - "госпожа" + Зода - "наследница"....
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