
There are several translation options for the name Rania:

  1. The Tatar form of the Persian name Rana and in a figurative meaning means “pretty; beautiful; elegant; graceful; slender.”

  2. Arabic name (رانية) translation - “with a gaze; looking at”, derived from the Arabic verb (رنا) [rana] - “to look”.

Other names


A Tajik name that comes from the name Maknun and figuratively means “secret and secretive pure girl.” ...
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Sherzod is an Uzbek name that symbolizes strength and courage. It encourages its bearer to be brave and to take risks in order to reach their goals. Sherzod is a reminder to never give up, even in the face of adversity, and to always strive for success. I...
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Roziya is a female given name of Uzbek origin. It is derived from the Arabic word "roz" which means "approval" or "acceptance". Roziya is a popular name in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. The name Roziya carries positive connotations of suc...
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The name Humayra is of Uzbek origin and has a beautiful meaning. In Uzbek, "Humayra" means "red" or "rosy-cheeked." The name is often given to baby girls with a hope that they will have a beautiful and healthy complexion. In addition to its literal meani...
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The name Adham is of Uzbek origin which means "wise" or "intelligent". It is a popular name in Uzbekistan and is often given to boys who are known for their wisdom and intellect....
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The name "Risolat" is of Arabic origin and is used in Uzbek culture. It means "prophecy" or "message." The name conveys the idea of guidance, wisdom, and a sense of mission, reflecting qualities of leadership and enlightenment....
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The name "Nasiba" is of Arabic origin and is commonly used in Uzbek culture. It means "destiny," "fate," or "fortune." This name conveys the idea of a person's preordained path or share in life, often associated with a sense of purpose and destiny....
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The name "Lola" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and poetic meaning. In Uzbek, "Lola" refers to the "tulip" flower, which is a symbol of beauty, grace, and elegance. Therefore, Lola can be interpreted to mean "Tulip," reflecting qualities of nat...
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The name "Muzayana" is a unique and beautiful name of Uzbek origin. While specific information on its meaning may not be widely documented, names with similar roots often carry meanings related to beauty, adornment, or grace. ...
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Dilmurod is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian language, meaning “heart” or “love”. It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Dilmurod symbolizes love, compassion, and devotion. It encourages its be...
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