
The name "Shahram" in Uzbek culture means "kingly" or "great leader." It symbolizes power, leadership, and respect.

Other names


Shavkat is an Uzbek name that carries the meaning of “lion” or “king”. It is a powerful name that conveys the importance of strength and leadership. Shavkat encourages its bearer to be brave and courageous in all that they do, and to never back do...
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The name "Muhammadsolih" combines "Muhammad," meaning "praised" or "praiseworthy," with "solih," which means "virtuous" or "righteous" in Uzbek. Therefore, "Muhammadsolih" can be interpreted as "virtuous Muhammad" or "righteous Muhammad."...
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The Uzbek (Xusnora) or Kazakh name consists of a combination of the names Husn - “beauty, grace, charm” + Ora / Oro / Ara - “decoration, decoration; ornament.”...
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Ozodbek is a popular Uzbek name derived from the Persian language. It is composed of two parts: "Oz" meaning "strength" and "odbek" meaning "friend". The name Ozodbek symbolizes strength in friendship. It is believed to bring good luck and success to its ...
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Feruza is a female name of Uzbek origin, which means "turquoise." The name is derived from the Persian word "firuzeh," which refers to the blue-green mineral known as turquoise. Those who bear the name Feruza are believed to embody qualities associated w...
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sma is a female name of Arabic origin, which means "excellent," "supreme," or "noble." It is derived from the Arabic word "asmaa," which means "names" or "attributes." In Islam, Asma is one of the names of Allah, the Arabic term for God. It is considered...
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The Arabic name is formed from the combination of Muhammad - “the most praised Prophet of Allah” + Ayub - the prophet of Allah....
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The Tajik (Persian) or Uzbek (Xosiyat) form of the Arabic name Khasiyat and in a figurative meaning means “special; positive.”...
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The name "Mashhura" is of Uzbek origin and holds a positive and significant meaning. In Uzbek, "Mashhura" means "famous" or "renowned." It conveys the idea of being well-known and esteemed, reflecting qualities of recognition and respect....
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Are you looking for a name that embodies love and beauty? "Mariyam," a variant of the name "Maryam," perfectly captures these qualities. Derived from the Hebrew name "Miriam," Mariyam reflects qualities of being beloved and cherished, making it a meaningf...
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