
Shohjahon is an Uzbek name that carries a deep meaning of “happiness” and “joy”. It is a reminder to its bearer to find joy in life and to spread it to those around them. The name encourages its bearer to seek out moments of joy and contentment, to appreciate the beauty of life, and to be grateful for the blessings they have. Shohjahon is a powerful name that can help shape a young person into an optimistic individual who is able to find joy in even the most difficult of times. It is a reminder that each person has the power to bring light and happiness into the world through their words, actions, and deeds. Shohjahon is a name that will inspire its bearer to be kind, generous, and compassionate, to always be open to learning and growing, and to strive for harmony and unity. It is a reminder that by having a positive outlook and spreading joy, one can make a lasting impact on the lives of those around them.

Other names


There are several translation options for the name Fariza: 1. The Persian name and in a figurative meaning means “obligatory, executive”, a derivative of Arabic (فَرِيضَةٌ) [faritha] - “debt, obligation, obligation”. Feminine form of the...
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Tajik (Shohida) or Uzbek (Shohida) name translation - “beloved; beauty; witness; Shah (from Shokh).” ...
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The name "Ma'ruf" is of Uzbek origin and holds a significant meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Ma'ruf" means "well-known" or "recognized." It signifies someone who is widely acknowledged and esteemed within their community or society....
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Shavkat is an Uzbek name that carries the meaning of “lion” or “king”. It is a powerful name that conveys the importance of strength and leadership. Shavkat encourages its bearer to be brave and courageous in all that they do, and to never back do...
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Umid is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian language. It is composed of two parts: "U" meaning "hope" and "mid" meaning "destiny". The name Umid symbolizes hope and destiny. It is believed to bring hope, courage, and strength to its bearer. This name i...
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The name "Dilshoda" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and meaningful significance. In Uzbek culture, "Dilshoda" (Дилшода) combines "Dil," meaning "heart," and "shoda," meaning "happy" or "cheerful." Together, it signifies "happy heart" or ...
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The Arabic name (فائزة) and in a figurative meaning means “victorious, victorious, conqueror; lucky, successful”, female form of the name Faiz. ...
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Арабское имя (شُهْرَة) и означает - "слава, известность, известный; репутация; авторитетный"....
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The Tajik (Persian) or Uzbek (Xosiyat) form of the Arabic name Khasiyat and in a figurative meaning means “special; positive.”...
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The name "Muhammadsolih" combines "Muhammad," meaning "praised" or "praiseworthy," with "solih," which means "virtuous" or "righteous" in Uzbek. Therefore, "Muhammadsolih" can be interpreted as "virtuous Muhammad" or "righteous Muhammad."...
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