
The name "Ikrom" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and honorable meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Ikram," which means "generosity" or "honoring others." Thus, Ikrom can be interpreted to mean "Generous" or "Honorable," reflecting qualities of kindness and respect.

Other names


Ruslan is a bold and noble name that originates from the heroic Iranian epic of Rustam, the son of Zalazar. It belongs to the category of historical names, has Turkic origins, and translates to "lion", a symbol of strength, fearlessness, and heroism. The ...
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Abdurahmon is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “servant of the Most Merciful” or “servant of Allah.” It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Abdurahmon symbolizes humility and p...
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Mumtoz is a female Uzbek name of Arabic origin, meaning “precious”. It is a beautiful name that reflects the inner beauty and kindness of its bearer. Mumtoz is a gentle and compassionate woman who is always looking to help others. She is generous and ...
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Mohira is a beautiful Uzbek name that has various meanings. In Uzbek, Mohira means "skilled" or "competent". The name also has Persian roots, where it means "wise" or "intelligent". Additionally, the name Mokhira can also mean "free-spirited" or "indepen...
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Sariya is a popular name in Uzbekistan, typically given to girls. The name is derived from the Arabic language and means "a noble lady" or "a princess". It is a name that carries with it a sense of elegance and dignity. In Uzbek culture, names are often ...
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The Uzbek name "Zamira" is derived from the Arabic word "zamira," which means "conscientious" or "thoughtful." It can also imply "inner self" or "heart." The name Zamira symbolizes a person who is considerate, thoughtful, and introspective....
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Aziz is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic term Azeez, which translates to “dear” or “beloved”. It symbolizes strength, resilience, and loyalty, and encourages its bearer to remain strong in the face of adversity. Aziz is a reminder to always s...
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The name "Gulasal" is of Uzbek origin and carries a delightful and meaningful essence. In Uzbek, "Gulasal" (Гуласал) is a combination of two words: "Gul," meaning "flower," and "Asal," meaning "honey." Together, "Gulasal" signifies "honey flower," ...
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Uzbek (Dilsora) or Tajik name, formed from the Persian name-forming words Dil - “heart, soul” + Sora - “pure; noble”....
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Ruhshona is a female name of Uzbek origin, which has a rich cultural and historical background. The name consists of two parts: "ruh," meaning "soul" or "spirit," and "shona," meaning "language" or "speech." In Uzbek culture, the name Ruhshona is often a...
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