
The name "Oydin" is of Uzbek origin and means "clear," "bright," or "radiant." It is often associated with the moon, symbolizing clarity, purity, and brightness. The name conveys the idea of a person who brings light and clarity to those around them.

Other names


The name "Nasiba" is of Arabic origin and is commonly used in Uzbek culture. It means "destiny," "fate," or "fortune." This name conveys the idea of a person's preordained path or share in life, often associated with a sense of purpose and destiny....
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Dildora is a popular Uzbek name, which is typically given to female children. The name consists of two parts: "dil," meaning "heart," and "dora," meaning "gift" or "present." In Uzbek culture, the name Dildora is often associated with love, kindness, and...
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The name "Mahbuba" is of Uzbek origin and carries a deeply affectionate and endearing meaning. Derived from Arabic, Mahbuba means "beloved" or "darling." It reflects qualities of love, affection, and endearment....
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The name "Amaliya" is an Uzbek name with a lovely and significant meaning. It is derived from the Arabic name "Amal," which means "hope" or "aspiration." Thus, Amaliya can be interpreted to mean "Hopeful" or "One who has aspirations."...
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Yulduz is a popular name in Uzbekistan, which means "star" in the <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Uzbek</a> language. In Uzbek culture, the star is a symbol of guidance, light, and hope. Therefore, the name is often associat...
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The name "Gulshoda" is of Uzbek origin and carries a beautiful and joyous meaning. In Uzbek, "Gulshoda" (Гулшода) is a combination of two words: "Gul," meaning "flower," and "Shoda," meaning "joy" or "happiness." Together, "Gulshoda" signifies "flo...
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Azamat is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic language, meaning “great” or “mighty.” It is a popular name among parents in Uzbekistan, and is often given to boys. The name Azamat symbolizes strength and power, and is associated with courage and ...
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Tajik or Uzbek (Nozim) is a very popular form of the Arabic name Nazim - “disposing, regulating; keeping in order, intimidating.” ...
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Nur is a name of Arabic origin, derived from the Arabic word “nur”, meaning “light”. In Uzbek culture, Nur is a popular name for boys and girls, symbolizing brightness and enlightenment. It is often used in combination with other names to create a...
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The Turkic or Tajik form of the Arabic name Sunnat is “path; Sunni; custom, rule; tradition (for Sunni Muslims); life path of the Prophet Muhammad.”...
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