
The Uzbek name "Zamira" is derived from the Arabic word "zamira," which means "conscientious" or "thoughtful." It can also imply "inner self" or "heart." The name Zamira symbolizes a person who is considerate, thoughtful, and introspective.

Other names


Rayyona is an Uzbek name derived from the Arabic word “rayyan”, meaning “the one who is content or satisfied”. In Uzbek culture, the name Rayyona carries a sense of contentment and joy, as those who bear it are seen as being content and happy with...
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Sumayya is a female Arabic name that comes from the word "samo," meaning "heaven." This name is associated with many symbolic meanings that reflect Islamic faith and spirituality. The name is also found in other languages, including Urdu, Uzbek and Persia...
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The Tajik form of the Arabic name Surayyo/Soraya is explained as “the Pleiades constellation.”...
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Behruz is an Uzbek name derived from the Persian word “behruz”, meaning “happy” or “fortunate”. It is a name that conveys optimism and joy, and is often given to baby boys with the hope that they will grow up to be blessed with good fortune. I...
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Tajik (Zohir) or Uzbek (Zoxir) form of the Arabic name Zahir meaning “brilliant; obvious, obvious; visible.”...
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The name "Eldor" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and positive meaning. In Uzbek culture, "Eldor" (Элдoр) is derived from the Persian word "eldor," which means "gold." It symbolizes preciousness, value, and brightness, reflecting qualities...
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The name "Burhon" is of Uzbek origin and carries a profound and meaningful significance. In Uzbek culture, "Burhon" (Бурҳон) means "proof" or "evidence." It symbolizes truth, clarity, and righteousness, reflecting qualities of honesty and integrity....
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The name "Dilorom" is of Uzbek origin and carries a delightful and meaningful significance. In Uzbek culture, "Dilorom" (Дилором) is a combination of "Dil" meaning "heart" and "orom" meaning "peace" or "comfort." Together, it signifies "light-heart...
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The name "Jamol" is of Uzbek origin and carries a significant and elegant meaning. It is derived from the Arabic word "Jamal," which means "beauty" or "handsomeness." Therefore, Jamol can be interpreted to mean "Beautiful" or "Handsome," reflecting qualit...
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The Uzbek name "Zakariyo" is derived from the Arabic name "Zakariya," which is the Islamic equivalent of the Hebrew name "Zechariah." In Islamic tradition, Zakariya (Zechariah) is a prophet known for his wisdom, patience, and his role as the father of Joh...
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